Library & Research
Bitmoji Library
- Lightbox Interactive eBooks (trial subscription)
- Destiny Discover Library Catalog
- Jefferson County Public Library (for kids)
- Hour of Code (creativity with AI)
- Red Rocks Typing Club (log in with Google)
Parent Corner
- Birthday Book Club
- Request for book purchase
- Common Sense Media
- Red Rocks March Book Madness
- How to Check Student’s Library Account (video)
Library Polices
Check out
- 1 book - Kindergarten & First Grade
- 2 books - Second Grade
- 3 books - Third Grade
- 4 books - Fourth & Fifth Grade
Overdue books
- Books can be checked out for two weeks
- Books can be renewed only if there is not a hold on the book
- Overdue notices are automatically sent by the system every Sunday night
Lost or damaged books
- The digital librarian (Lynne McDowell) will send a notice with the cost of the book
- Options: Purchase an exact replacement or pay for a replacement in the office.
- The office will let the library know once payment has been received and the fine will be resolved in your child’s library record.
Books returned to JCPL
The Jefferson County Public Library (JCPL) has a great partnership with Jeffco schools. They will return any school library books. Please note it may take time. Please let the digital librarian know so your child can continue to check out a book.